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Areas of expertise
We are multi jurisdiction law firm, ready to help you with different legal tasks. We provide companies and institutions with legal services, our attorneys help companies and citizens solve difficult legal problems that have significant consequences for them.
Years of successfull practice in legal activities
Average number of requests per month
Successfully provided cases in our practice
Our advantages
Our clients trust us with their most important transactions and disputes due to our ability to cut through complexity and minimise risk.
Years of experience
All our professionals have more than 5 years of legal experiences.
Strict confidentiality
All your private information will be kept in a secret.
Individual approach
This method lets us to get success in problems of all levels.
High quality service
We are leading business law firm by delivering quality and value to our clients.
We offer you professional consultation of our specialist in 30 minutes.
Our prices are fixed for some standard services.
Douglas Powell
Our clients rely on our 20 years experience of successful work to assess these options and execute their most complex tasks.
Douglas Powell
Our clients rely on our 20 years experience of successful work to assess these options and execute their most complex tasks.
Send request and get free consultation of our professionals
Your call is completely private
Law consulting department
751 S 15th St Philadelphia, PA 19146, USA
Phone: +981 675 543 721 56
E-mail: jurisdiction@help.com
We work from Monday to Friday, 9AM till 8PM.
Photo credits: Split the Kipper
All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.